Glucocorticoid tapering and adrenal suppression testing guide
The AIC tapering guide is a compilation of medical information available and patient experience.
References for the medical information are provided at the end of the document. This guide is not a substitute for advice and direction from your own physician. You may find this a useful discussion point if you are encountering difficulties in your attempts at tapering.
Research is lacking on the topic of glucocorticoid tapering and our guide hopes to provide parameters for patients and medical providers in an easy to use format that will keep patients safe during the process. Discuss any tapering program with your doctor before you begin. This is meant to be an aid in discussing tapering with your physician. Tapering must be done carefully to avoid both a reoccurrence of the underlying disease activity, and possible cortisol deficiency resulting from Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal, (HPA) axis suppression from glucocorticoid use.
- Steroids and Adrenal Suppression
Taking steroids for any condition can cause adrenal suppression and adrenal insufficiency - Glucocorticoid tapering and adrenal suppression testing guide